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- Welcome to Fractal Design Detailer - the amazing 3D paint program.
- This READ ME file contains important information that is not
- included in the on-line Detailer documentation.
- This is a Demo version! It has the following features disabled: Save,
- Save as, Print, Export and Copy to Clipboard. You are not required to
- register or serialize this software. To reduce the size of the
- installation for downloading, minimal sample content is provided.
- The full version of Detailer includes over a hundred images, patterns
- and models.
- To order Fractal Design Detailer, please visit your local Fractal
- Design reseller, or call Fractal Design Corporation at (800) 846-
- 0111 or (408) 430-4100. For more information about Fractal Design
- Detailer, please visit our web site at www.fractal.com.
- Electronic documentation is available for Detailer in PDF format
- which requires an Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you acquired this demo
- version on-line, you will also find an abbreviated User Guide
- available for downloading. If you acquired this demo from a CD-ROM,
- you'll find the PDF files with the Detailer installer. To get the most
- out of Detailer, we encourage you to read these documentation files.
- While we do not provide free support for our demonstration versions,
- many of the answers to your questions, along with tips and tricks
- may already be posted on our website. Be sure to check out the
- technical support pages on the Fractal Design web site at
- <http://www.fractal.com/support/tech>.
- Fractal Design Detailer requires a 486, Pentium¿, or Pentium Pro
- computer and a minimum of 16 MB of system RAM. Detailer for
- Windows was tested under Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. The
- program will also run under Windows NT 3.5.1, although there may be
- issues associated with running on that platform. Fractal Design
- strongly recommends using Windows 95 or NT 4.0 or later.
- Detailer, like all graphics applications, enjoys lots of RAM, fast
- processors and speedy hard drives. You will notice marked
- improvements in the applications performance if you upgrade to a
- faster computer or add more memory.
- Complete the following steps to install Detailer:
- 1. Start Windows. (No other application should be running during
- installation)
- 2. Insert the Detailer CD-ROM into your CD-ROM player and click on
- the Install button. Windows 95 locates the Detailer installation
- program on the CD-ROM.
- 3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Click Next to confirm each
- option and move to the next screen.
- 4. Click Browse to choose the install location.
- 5. When you continue, the installer offers to add Program Icons to
- the Program folder. You may change the name if you like.
- 6. Click Start to install.
- 7. After Detailer software has finished installing, click Finish.
- Detailer has a preferences dialog that helps you optimize the
- program's use of memory, printing speeds and display quality.
- Choose Edit menu> Preferences> Windows to display memory and
- printing options.
- Physical Memory Usage
- For best performance, choose Maximum Memory for Detailer and run
- Detailer with no other programs running in the background. Choosing
- Half of Memory for Detailer will allow Detailer to run more
- efficiently with other Windows applications running at the same
- time.
- Display Options
- If your video display driver is set to 65,000 colors (16-bit), you may
- experience some color irregularities on your screen when using
- Detailer. Enabling the No Device Dependent Bitmaps option will
- correct this problem with most 65,000-color video displays. If you
- are not using 65,000 colors, this option will have no effect on your
- system.
- Detailer is an incredible bridge between 2D and 3D because it
- compliments both 2D paint programs and 3D modeling programs.
- Detailer opens and saves images in the following file formats: RIFF,
- TIFF, JPEG, PICT, BMP, Photoshop 2.x and Photoshop 3 (complete with
- layers).
- Detailer can import and export 3D models in the following formats:
- Detailer-native, QuickDraw 3D (3DMF), DXF, and 3D Studio, and
- Wavefront OBJ.
- Ray Dream Designer¿ and Ray Dream Studio¬ 4.1.2 or later both
- include extensions to import and export models in Detailer format,
- so you can easily use Detailer with models you create in these
- programs.
- Detailer has a plug-in architecture for 3D models. Support for
- additional formats may come available. Visit the Detailer page on
- the Fractal Design web site for the latest information
- (www.fractal.com).
- The installed Detailer Demo includes the application, sample
- libraries, File Format Plug-Ins, sample Models, and a Tutorial.
- Libraries
- The default Libraries include sample Brushes, Colors, Nozzles,
- Patterns, Portfolios and Textures. Additional libraries (from Fractal
- Design Painter¿) can also be loaded. The photographic patterns were
- created by Vivid Details.
- Detailer Plug-Ins
- File Format plug-ins for import/export of the following model
- formats (in addition to Detailer-native) are included:
- QuickDraw 3DMF
- OBJ (beta)*
- 3D Studio (beta)**
- * The beta plug-ins have not undergone the same range of quality
- assurance testing as have the standard Detailer plug-ins. As "beta"
- modules, we recommend that you use them with care. Save any open
- documents before accessing these modules from the Import and
- Export menus. Check the Detailer page on our web site
- (www.fractal.com) for the final versions of these modules when
- they are available.
- **Refer to the 3D Studio ReadMe in the Detailer Plug-Ins directory
- for specific information on using this file format.
- Models
- The Models folder contains a sampling of models created by
- Viewpoint Datalabs and other sources. These models were created
- by exporting models from Ray Dream Designer using the included
- extensions for Designer. In Detailer format, these models consist of
- a pure triangular mesh. The splines and Bezier curves originally used
- to define the models do not exist in Detailer-native format.
- Tutorial
- The Tutorial folder contains all the files you need to complete the
- Detailer Tutorial projects referenced in the User Guide. Note, the
- tutorial images for the Demo version have been saved in a
- compressed JPEG (JPG) format instead of RIFF (RIF) and the
- TUTLIB.POR portfolio images have been included in the default
- Detailer Portfolio file.
- Performance Tip: When painting directly on any 2D maps or masks,
- you can enhance the performance of Detailer's brushes by disabling
- simultaneous update of paint strokes on the 3D model. You can
- accomplish this by turning off the map's visibility by clicking on the
- "eye" icon for the map, in the Objects palette.
- Zoom to Fit: When the model window is the frontmost window, you
- can resize the view so that the model fits the window by double-
- clicking the Magnifier tool icon.
- Model Rotation: Normally, using the Virtual Trackball on a 3D model
- will move the "camera" or user's view, without moving the lights. If
- you hold down the Shift key while using the Virtual Trackball, the
- lights will move with the camera. This is useful when you want to
- rotate the model without changing the lighting.
- Memory Issues: Detailer models and Model windows can require a
- substantial amount of memory. While image and map windows can be
- swapped to virtual memory, Model windows cannot. We recommend
- that you work with a single model at a time for best performance.
- Photoshop¬ 3.0: Imported Photoshop 3.0 files with hidden layers
- become visible floaters in Detailer. You must manually hide them.
- Open Model files: Trying to import a model that is already open may
- result in duplicating open image files before the "This model is
- already open" error dialog appears.
- EPS Clipping Paths: In the EPS Save Options dialog box, the option to
- save the current selection as a clipping path as been disabled. This
- option is not available in Detailer.
- Object limit: Detailer has a limit of 240 objects per model.
- QuickDraw 3D (3DMF file format)
- Appendix B in the Detailer User Guide includes information on using
- Detailer with QuickDraw 3D (3DMF) models. Additional information
- follows.
- - 3DMF allows a mesh face to have a hole in it. Detailer does not
- support this. If you attempt to import a 3DMF model with a mesh
- hole, Detailer will alert you. If you continue, the holes are dropped.
- You may also abort the import.
- - Detailer 3DMF Import discards NURBS, Polygons, General Polygons
- and 3DMF Primitives. When exporting 3DMF files from modeling
- programs, you should look for an option which will convert Splines
- to Polygons (in Ray Dream Designer, it's called ╥Force Beziers to
- Polygons╙), in order to import the model into Detailer, completely.
- - 3DMF allows a separate color setting per mesh facet. For example,
- if a mesh consists of 3,456 triangular faces, each may have a unique
- color. Detailer does not support this. Mesh objects are given a single
- color.
- - 3DMF allows for diffuse and specular colors to be specified by
- separate RGB values. Reflectivity is specified as an exponent value
- that models the standard photometric specular reflection
- coefficient. Detailer uses a simplified arrangement with a single
- RGB color pixel value plus scale factors for diffuse, specular, and
- reflection. Detailer ignores specular and specular control objects
- from 3DMF and uses only diffuse colors. Detailer exports (in 3DMF)
- the diffuse color setting only.
- - Detailer offers five mapping methods; however, 3DMF assumes all
- mappings to be ╥implicit.╙ It is best to use implicit mapping on
- Detailer models you intend to export in 3DMF. You might be able to
- use a projection mapping, then reset the mapping method in the
- application where you open the exported model.
- DXF Files: Models in DXF format do not include UV data, so implicit
- mapping cannot be used on them.
- Object Size: In Detailer, the Object size, Bump Map image resolution
- and Bump Map Scaling slider all contribute to the appearance of
- relief on the model surface. Objects imported to Detailer should be
- no larger than 20 units across, or you may be unable to scale the
- Bump Map Scaling slider high enough to view surface relief. If this is
- a problem, simply reopen the model in your 3D modeling program and
- reduce the scale of the model. Then re-export and reopen in Detailer.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- ⌐ Copyright1996 Fractal Design Corporation, All rights reserved.
- Fractal Design Painter and Ray Dream Designer are registered
- trademarks and Fractal Design Detailer and Ray Dream Studio are
- trademarks of Fractal Design Corporation which may be registered in
- certain jurisdictions. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft
- Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective
- owners. Fractal Design Detailer is covered by U.S. Patent 5347620.
- Patent Pending.